Fix PA

The following content presents raw ideas. This page needs massive edits, like a {{stub}}. Do not quote this material in any source. It is not sanctioned in any way. Rather, this page is more of a place holder for more editing to come.

  • budget is 132 for 2007
  • budget for 2006 was 165 guards
  • in Oct 2006 there are 117 that are ready for duty
  • The ideal number is 159!

Volunteers vs. Employees[]

  • Volunteers need to be managed.
  • Volunteers don't have the committment of a paid employee.
  • Volunteers need some training.

2007 Budget calls for 159. 2006 127 in reality, but 117 get on the streets.

ICA budget goes to 132 for 2007.


Part-time vs. Full-time[]


Lunch time[]

Fewer kids are able to go out of the buildings at lunch. School lunch periods, skipping school.

6:46 to 9 am

2:00 to 4:00 or after 5:00 pm (given the extended day schools)


Cell phones for Crossing Guards[]

  • AT&T provided cell phones. The cell phone deal was crafted, in part, by Bob O'Connor. The use of cell phones was terminated by mayor Tom Murphy.
  • Cell phones were pre-programmed for 911 calls and not personal use.


Crossing Guards should be able to talk on a radio to a many different people. A cell phone to a distpatcher is not as effective as a radio. The Crossing Guard should communicate with the school offices, Pgh Public School Police, PPS Security, other crossing guards, city police, other neighboring district police (Mt. Oliver, Brentwood, Dormont, etc.), school principals of Catholic and private schools, public works road crews, towing company

Crossing Guards work with big special events, such as the Three Rivers Arts Festival, Great Race, and parades.

Crossing Guards should be outfitted with real police radios.[]

Cell phones are not nearly as effective as a radio with one-to-many communications.

If I was in charge, I'd provide Crossing Guards BOTH radios and the cell phones (with an ear bud / microphone for hands free operation). Crossing Guards are on the street by themselves and communication is their only back up.

Crossing Guards with radios and more support would be more aggressive and write more tickets, I bet.

Crossing Guards could be important players in the case of a major disaster.[]


  • Crossing Guards beyond the city


  • Applications are being accepted as of October, 2006.
  • Background checks
  • Drug testings