- R
- Former At-Large member of Allegheny County Council
- Former member of the Allegheny County Board of Elections
- Kevin Acklin, 30, a Squirrel Hill attorney, plans to seek the nomination for Fawcett's seat and in the 2006 primary.
Email from December 1, 2006[]
Great news! Today, December 1, 2006, County Executive Dan Onorato signed into law the ordinance that passed last week in Council -- unanimously -- calling for the creation of a new Countywide Riverfront Park. Mr. Onorato also showed strong support for the concept and is taking immediate action steps.
These are huge steps forward. None of this would have happened without the enormous number of e-mails and letters that Council members and the County Executive received endorsing this concept. The enthusiasm and overwhelming support that was exhibited also greatly increases the chances that Foundations and other funding sources will embrace this concept.
I can't think of anything more important that we could do right now to boost our regional economy and to improve our ability to compete in the global marketplace.
Councilman Burn and I want to thank you so much for your support! If you don't want to receive further e-mails on this subject, just let me know and we'll take you off the list; otherwise, be assured that I'll keep you posted and ask for your support again on this matter -- where and when needed to make our vision a reality.