Edited by Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Maren Hartmann, Peeter Vihalemm, Bart Cammaerts, Hannu Nieminen and Tobias Olsson
ISBN (online)
You can order the printed version of the book by sending an e-mail to pille.vengerfeldt @ ut.ee
The summer school book was supported by an European Commission Socrates Erasmus IP Project (contract number: 69935-IC-1-2007-EE-ERASMUS-EUC-1), University of Tartu and Danish National Research School for Media, Communication and Journalism .
Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe.
The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school.
Edited by Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Maren Hartmann, Peeter Vihalemm, Bart Cammaerts and Hannu Nieminen