Fix PA
Fix PA

Fix PA is for politics and solutions as well as candidate issue statements, platform planks, editorials, letters to editor, and other suggestions for community and our shared political landscape.

  • Fix PA aims to have ALL points of view.
    • Wikipedia has a NPOV. (NPOV = Neutral Point Of View)


The Platform.For-Pgh wiki grew to more than 3,000 pages, but it is in need of an overhaul and port to a new, more focused site. Many of the Pittsburgh issues are regional and state-wide issues, so the Fix PA title works better.

Prior vision, for springboard discussions.

Future Upside[]

'FIX PA' wiki could be a template for other states. FixOH, FixNJ, FixNY, FixWV.

They all could be tied together with a FixUSA site about NATIONAL Political elements. But, most poltiics is local politics.