Fix PA
Fix PA


Fulton French Academy

Things are going better than anyone could hope. The principal is very open to parents and their ideas. He's very committed to French. Teachers are taking it one day a week from native French speaker. Parents and children together can meet with native French speaker one night a week. French up all over the school.

Mr. Bivins, principal, is also very senstive to both ends of the achievement gap. Fourth and fifth grade students can take an algebra class two days a week and he has provided many opportunities for those below in the gap for afterschool programs.

Teachers don't yell, are very strong, and it's generally a friendly environment. I'm very happy with the choice for my fourth grader. Anyone who wants more information can e-mail or call me at or 412-683-4273. Principal will be happy to give you personal tour so you can grill him on whatever.

Vive a la France!