Letter to parents of students who are in middle school from a principal:[]
The spring season is here as well as the arrival of warm weather. During this time of year, we anticipate that some students will attempt to deviate from our standards of decent dress. The standards prohibit the wearing of hats, visors, short shorts, spandex shorts or mini-skirts. Additionally, see-through clothing, loosely fitting and low cut halter tops, tank tops, pants worn low on the hips or tops that show the stomach or belly buttons are also prohibited. It is important to note that bandanas and other headgear are not permitted as well. Skirts and shorts should extend beyond the tip of a student’s finger when he or she is standing. Sunglasses are to be in the student’s locker after entering the building. They are not to be worn or carried in the building during school.
Our Agenda Book also outlines our school rules which include: “No student shall wear any apparel or jewelry that by words, signs, pictures or any combination thereof appearing on said clothing or jewelry, advocates or promotes sexual activity or violence, or the use of alcohol or drugs or demeans or degrades another because of race, sex, religious persuasion, national origin, handicap or disability. This prohibition shall be in effect during school hours and at any school-sponsored event whether on or off school premises.”
Additionally, students were reminded today that cell phones are not permitted to be used in school buildings or on school grounds or visible during school hours. If a cell phone is confiscated, the phone will be returned only to the student’s parent. Students shall not possess any paging device, commonly referred to as a beeper, radios, CD players, laser pointers, video games, or related electronic equipment or other telecommunication devices on school grounds, at school sponsored activities, or on buses or other vehicles provided by the School District. Also, coats are not permitted to be worn in classrooms. Students who violate these expectations will be disciplined accordingly. In advance, we appreciate your help in assuring compliance with our policies.