Fix PA
Fix PA

Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA)[]

Tim Allwein of PSBA said:[]

The PA legislature needs to reverse its approach to property tax reform.

Look at state mandates and what school districts are required to spend.

Do not start by telling school boards they are spending too much.

Property tax reform must address "a local taxing system that is fair to taxpayers while allowing school districts to remain a viable partner in the funding of public education, cooperation between school districts and the commonwealth in reducing the costs of providing a sound public education, and a recognition that the commonwealth must become a bigger partner in funding public education."

To accomplish these three goals, PSBA recommends that the legislature:

1) Provide school boards with a menu of taxes from which to choose that provide stable revenue and are based on taxpayers' ability to pay;
2) consider cost saving measures such as providing relief from state mandates, allowing big tickets items to be purchased through state procurement, consolidating school districts, providing group health insurance for all school employees, and increasing no-bid contract limits to reduce administrative expenses; and,
3) increase state funding for education so the state is "an equal partner" with districts.
